The PS3's latest firmware does more than bring cloud saves to Sony's console, if reports are to be believed; it also re-secures the PS3 against the hacks that have blighted it in recent months. 

Nintendo's greatest challenge might not be Sony or Microsoft, but the rise of digital content. Whether it's WiiWare or Apple's AppStore, the publisher has much to deal with in an emerging market.

Every Tuesday, Sony drops a bunch of new stuff onto the PlayStation Network. Those with a PlayStation 3 or PSP can download this new goodness, which ranges from PSN games to movies, themes and more. This week, there's only a single new game, though it's a good one. There's a full retail title available for download, and a free game for PlayStation Plus subscribers as well

It seems Microsoft may be starting development on its next Xbox console. 

Recent job postings on networking website LinkedIn, first discovered by Beyond3D, reveal the company is hiring positions to work on next-generation console architectures in its Xbox division. 

At the Games Developers Conference, Sony held a panel for their upcoming handheld, the Next Generation Portable. Though a bulk of the discussion was focused on information previously announced last month in Tokyo, we were able to learn more about the device's new flash memory game format, tentatively dubbed NVG Card. 

Epic announced a host of new features in their Unreal Engine 3 development platform today at this year's GDC, the biggest of which is support for DirectX 11 and its assorted tools. The problem is, for most people, these kind of announcements might as well be in Sanskrit, they're full of tech jargon that goes right by the average gamer. 

During Satoru Iwata's keynote speech at 2011's Game Developer's conference, the President of Nintendo announced that the company is working on "something" to honor the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. 

Aside from a logo that tells us little more than the fact that it's something to do with the Zelda franchise, we only know that Miyamoto himself is working on it, and that gamers will see what it is this year

The first Magicka expansion probably wasn't what fans were expecting. Publisher Paradox Interactive today unveiled Magicka: Vietnam, set for release in Spring 2011 for PC. 

We'll get our first look at Magicka: Vietnam this week during GDC, but until then check out the announcement trailer below. 

Today at GDC, Sony unveiled a brand new system in the sequel that allows players to place enemies, objects and more to create your very own challenges that pop up in New Marais. You can come up with stories, limit it to races, and even assign XP to completing a quest. A trailer listed a variety of missions (Defense, Escort, Search and Destroy, Survival, Shooting Gallery, Platforming, and Obstacle Course), but Sucker Punch said that the possibilities are endless and users can create whatever they want. 

Sony drops a bunch of new stuff onto the PlayStation Network. Those with a PlayStation 3 or PSP can download this new goodness, which ranges from PSN games to movies, themes and more. This week, there's only a single new game, though it's a good one. There's a full retail title available for download, and a free game for PlayStation Plus subscribers as well (more on that later).