First of all welcome to Critical Hit. Since I was young i've been playing games. I remember when I first held on to Famicon and play contra. Those where the days that games are simple and fun. At the Age of 10, I  played my cousins Super Nintendo and oh boy it was damn good days. I got more in to games then, soon after i draw game chracters and put some bios and stats so that It could look like from a Gaming Magazine. 

Two Years have passed, my parents give me my first own game console the "PlayStation" the visuals were superb at that time and on that time where the internet bloomed. By that era I search on the internet to look for video game reviews, hints and cheats. 

Gaming and the Internet has influenced me a lot. thats why I've started this site to share my thoughts about gaming and as well to learn more. I promised to all you gamers out there, That I, the Editor, Founder of this Site will continue give you my knowledge in the gaming industry

Editor in Chief - Critical Hit Independent

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